Sunset Professional Building
6280 Sunset Drive, Suite 411
South Miami, Fl 33143
(305) 284-8091

As experts in our field, we know that NOT ALL LASER TREATMENTS ARE THE SAME. Results are based on many factors that only a highly trained practitioner can recognize.

At our medical office, all procedures are performed by experienced, licensed and certified professionals with advanced education specific to hair removal.

We specialize in treating patients who have had difficulties with unsuccessful laser treatments at other facilities. We do not employ “lightly” trained technicians to do the work.

Our F.D.A. approved, computer guided medical equipment offers THE MOST ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY, delivering permanent hair removal VIRTUALLY PAIN FREE. We do not use IPL or other inferior machines.

We only use the recently patented 810 NM diode, a genuine laser system; Class IV medical device, "SOPRANO XL" with SHR mode, and new “in motion” technique which eliminates skipped spots for a complete and thorough coverage of the target area.

Our laser parameters are monitored by a computer to match your skin color and hair type, enhancing safety.

•Complete privacy in a medical office
•Reasonable and competitive prices
•Packages available; discounts for multiple areas
•No consultation fees
•Not a franchise
•Many years in the same location

2007. Created and Maintained by My IC
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