Aesthetic Dermatology
Aesthetic Dermatology
210 North Highway 27, Suite 1
Clermont, FL 34711
Phone: 352-243-2544
Fax: 352-243-2745
Laser Hair Removal, when first introduced in the late 1990’s, was limited to light skinned individuals with dark hair. Efficient Laser Hair Removal was produced by Alexandrite and Diode lasers. Dark skinned individuals could not use these lasers for effective hair removal because early generation lasers were unable to distinguish between skin pigment and hair follicles, which led to the burning of those with darker skin. Today this has all changed. The advent of the new laser line, the YAG, and the re-invention of the IPL system has afforded excellent results for individuals with dark skin and dark hair.
More than one million new cases of skin cancer will be diagnosed in the United States this year. The American Academy of Dermatology is encouraging people to screen themselves and their loved ones for skin cancer. Performing regular skin self-examinations is an easy way to detect suspicious moles that could be cancerous, and research shows involving a partner in the process can improve the early detection of skin cancer.
