Bay Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery
Bay Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery
1130 Commercial Way
Spring Hill, FL 34606
PH: (352) 688-5544
FAX: (352) 688-6355
All of the procedures that we perform at Bay Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery are performed with the utmost care for our patients. We take great pride in our patients. We work to make every visit as productive and informative as possible.
If you are interested in any of our procedures, please contact us for a consultation. We would be happy to enlighten you on these procedures and how they may benefit you. Each person is given comprehensive and individualized patient care.
PHONE: 866-967-3376
MOHS Surgery
Mohs surgery is a specialized, highly effective technique for removing skin cancers. It was developed in the 1930s by Dr. Frederick Mohs at the University of Wisconsin and is now practiced throughout the world. Mohs surgery differs from other skin cancer treatments in that it permits the immediate and complete microscopic examination of the removed cancer tissue so that all roots and extensions of the cancer can be eliminated and has the highest reported cure rate of all treatments for skin cancer.
Mohs micrographic surgery is a method of excising skin cancer in layers. The entire edge and undersurface of each layer is then examined under the microscope for the presence of cancer cells. Where further cancer is noted, additional layers are taken until a level free of tumor is reached. By removing tissue only where cancer is known to be present, the technique combines a high cure rate with good preservation of normal skin.
The extent and depth of the tumor determines the number of layers of surgery necessary to remove a skin cancer. There is no way to determine beforehand how many layers will be needed to remove the cancer or how large a defect will result when all the cancer is finally removed. Also, more than one surgical procedure may be necessary to remove large or very invasive tumors, cancer in difficult areas, or to obtain the best cosmetic result.
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IPL: (Intense Pulsed Light)
IPL is the newest technology in photo-rejuvenation. This FDA approved technology can correct a variety of cosmetic conditions such as age spots, sun induced freckles, mottled skin coloring, small facial and leg veins, redness caused by rosacea, uneven skin tone, fine lines, acne and even hair removal.
Get better looking skin in the flash of a light! Speak with one of our physicians to find out if this is a treatment for you!
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Skin Cancer Treatment
There are several types of skin cancer, the most common being Basal Cell carcinoma. Basal Cell carcinoma most often occurs on the sun-exposed areas of the skin and may look like an open sore, reddish patch, or waxy growth with an elevated border and central indentation.
Read more about other common types, and the most dangerous form of skin cancer.
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Laser Skin Resurfacing (I.P.L. Laser)
Laser Skin Resurfacing can give skin a new healthy glow.Laser skin resurfacing is used to reduce the appearance of scars, fine lines, and other skin imperfections caused by the sun and by aging. It is important to remember that this treatment will not completely correct your skin imperfections, but will only improve them. Lasers remove layers of skin and stimulate the healthier skin.
Laser skin resurfacing is as an alternative to dermabrasion being less painful with a shorter recovery time. Lasers can also be used to treat warts, port wine stains, rosacea, age spots, freckles, and stretch marks.
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A procedure done to remove milia, blackheads, and pustules. The skin is thoroughly cleansed, steamed and the extractions are performed. This procedure takes 1 hour and may take more than one appointment. This is most beneficial for oily acneic skins, or skin with blackheads. It is also used for maximum results with teenagers on an acne program to help the healing process along. Peels or masks can also be done in combination extractions. There may be minimal redness for 1-2 days post extractions.
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Laser Hair Removal (Gentlase Laser or Ruby Epi Touch Laser)
Laser hair removal replaces more traditional methods of hair removal and safely removes unwanted hair without damage to the skin. Facial and bikini areas are usually completed in less than ten minutes; legs, backs and larger areas can take slightly longer. A small hand piece is used to touch the skin and deliver the laser light simultaneously spraying a coolant just before each laser pulse. Most patients experience little discomfort at the treatment site because of the cooling device. The number of treatments required depends on your skin color, hair color and coarseness of the hair. Everyone will require at least 2-3 treatments as the process is only effective on hair during the early growing cycle.
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Psoriasis and Vitiligo (XTRAC Ultraviolet Laser)
XTRAC Laser. Light Years Ahead.For patients with psoriasis that does not respond to conventional treatment, especially on elbows, knees, scalp, and hands, this laser allows for quick, effective, painless treatment in as little as a single treatment. Patients can often obtain relief in just six to ten brief sessions, compared to 25-30 treatments with conventional phototherapy. Remissions are expected to last months. This laser is also FDA-market cleared to the treatment of white patches of vitiligo, atopic dermatitis, and leukoderma. Some success has also been published in the repigmentation of scars and stretch marks.
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Laser Treatment (Candela V Beam Laser, Laserscope Laser or HGM Laser)
The pulsed dye laser is used to safely treat vascular lesions by delivering an intense but gentle burst of laser light to the skin. The laser light is specifically absorbed by the blood vessels in the vascular lesion.
Read more about which conditions can be treated with laser.
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Sclerotherapy (Spider Vein Treatment)
Sclerotherapy is commonly used to treat spider and varicose veins. Spider veins usually resemble a spider web and are small red blood vessels usually found on the legs near the skin surface, branching out from larger veins.
Read more on Sclerotherapy
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Collagen Injections for Wrinkling and Scarring
Collagen Injections are used to replace the body’s natural collagen and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It is often used commonly in areas of the face to augment the lips and facial creases. Collagen is injected under the skin and lasts approximately three to six months. The body will reabsorb it, so additional treatments will be needed every 6 – 12 months to maintain results.
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Wart Treatment
Embarrassing warts can be a problem of the past.Warts are benign skin growths caused by a virus, and are very common. There is no way to prevent warts. They have a rough surface on which tiny dark specks may be seen and may grow on any part of the body.
Read more about wart treatment
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Chemical Peels
Chemical peel is a procedure in which chemical agents are applied to skin that is wrinkled, scarred or otherwise damaged. After treatment scabs form which, upon falling off, leave smoother and younger looking skin. This procedure, although initially prescribed mainly for cosmetic purposes is also used therapeutically. Cosmetic indications for the use of chemical peel include wrinkles caused by aging, sun damage, hereditary factors, superficial acne scarring, and irregular pigmentation of the skin including freckles and age spots. Melasma, a dark pigmentation of the face found primarily in women who are pregnant or are taking birth control pills can also be improved. Precancerous conditions such as keratoses also respond well to treatment.
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Botox can help you look younger.Botulinum toxin, better known as Botox, is used to reduce the appearance of frown lines, "crow's feet," laugh lines and other wrinkles sometimes called dynamic wrinkles. It is injected into the affected areas and eliminates wrinkles by essentially "relaxing" the muscles that cause wrinkles in the skin.
Read more about Botox
view our botox ad
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Restylane® received FDA approval in 2003 and is a popular and safe natural cosmetic dermal filler. It is used to restore volume and fullness to the skin to correct moderate facial wrinkles and nasolabial folds - the lines from the nose to the corners of the mouth and especially in the lip area. Restylane is made of non-animal-based hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that already exists in the human body. Since this is a natural substance, it does not require pre-testing for allergic reations. Restylane injections can last for approximately 4 to 6 months and provide dramatic results with minimal discomfort and few side effects.
Restylane® Treatment smoothes wrinkles and enhances lips instantly. If you would like to reduce wrinkles and folds or if you want to improve the image of your lips there is a new answer to your needs. Restylane® is an innovation based on a non-animal hyaluronic acid, manufactured by a unique method in Sweden.
Read more about Restylane®
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Evolence can put back the collagen that nature took away. It’s an all-natural dermal filler that replaces the collagen you’ve lost over time with a natural collagen that lasts. Evolence immediately improves your appearance by smoothing out wrinkles and folds and restoring structure in areas that are depleted of collagen.
Unlike other dermal fillers, which are based on hyaluronic acid, EVOLENCE is a breakthrough treatment made from natural collagen, the most abundant protein in your body. The visible, natural looking results are achieved immediately, with minimal to no downtime, no bruising or swelling, so you can get right back to your daily activities. Lasts for at least 6 months and does not require a skin pre-test.
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