Brevard Plastic Surgery
Brevard Plastic Surgery
280 N Sykes Creek Pkwy
Merritt Island FL 32953
Tel: +321-452-3882
Fax: +321-454-7736
Laser Resurfacing
Ablative and mimimally ablative forms of laser are used to heat the patients soft tissue and skin to remove the dead outer layer as well as heat the patient’s dermis. This in turn stimulates the patient’s own collagen to contract and repair itself. After this process has occurred, over days to weeks, the patient’s skin looks healthier and more youthful.
Usually performed with some form of CO2 based laser, current laser resurfacing options are numerous. During a consult we will discuss what your desires are and form fit a procedure for you. Active FX, Max FX, Deep FX, Light FX, and Total FX are all possible options. Using the Ultra Pulse Encore from Lumenis©, we can achieve great results at affordable price with flexibility for your busy lifestyle…
Active FX
Usually 3-5 days of peeling with some redness persisting for a week. Usually performed for mild to moderate wrinkles. May take multiple treatments for the best effect.
Max FX
A formal, more intense treatment for the most severe wrinkles and dyschromia(color changes). It may require anesthesia.
Deep FX
Utilizes a different handpiece for deeper spots and wrinkles.
Light FX
Similar to active FX but in a mild form.This is a minimal downtime, easily administered procedure to keep you in tune with your busy lifestyle. Usually takes multiple treatments.
Total FX
A blend of Deep and Active FX for a more formal result
Like the word describes, photorejuvenation is the process of using light to rejuvenate the skin. Using IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) the patient’s sun damaged skin is treated removing brown spots and giving the patient a more blended tone to the skin. Unwanted freckles, small vascular lesions, age spots, and melasma are also able to be treated. Typically performed in treatment blocks of about 2-5 treatments, 3-5 weeks apart, there is only a minimal to no downtime experienced by the patient.
Vascular Lesions
Tired of the red spot on your face or the blood vessel on your nose? Well, there is a safe and easy fix. Using NdYag laser technology we can help reduce and often times remove that unwanted vessel. This service can also be performed in conjunction with many other cosmetic procedures.
Hair Removal/Permanent Hair Reduction
Laser hair removal is currently one of the most common non-surgical cosmetic procedures performed in the world. Due to the flexibility of our laser options, we can perform safe effective hair removal on most skin types. Since hair grows in different phases, hair growth is affected by many factors such as age, hormonal changes, and medications. This can make hair removal difficult in some patients.
During a consult, we will put together a treatment plan taking into account the areas to be treated, the color of the patient’s skin, the color of the patient’s hair, as well as other factors to give you a price quote tailored to your desires. With a little commitment on the part of the patient, we can achieve some amazing results.
Aluma is a cutting edge procedure that uses radio frequency technology to help tighten skin and reduce wrinkling. Aluma is a low to no downtime procedure that can be performed on all skin types. Treatments are usually done at 1-2 week intervals for a period of 5-8 weeks to notice a significant result. The patient goes through little to no discomfort and the skin usually starts to respond at the 3rd to 4th treatment. Aluma results are variable however and this procedure does not take the place of formal surgical treatments or formal laser resurfacing. Aluma can be an amazing adjunct for the patient who is receiving cosmetic injectable treatments or on its own. The peri-oral or mouth area as well as the peri-ocular or eye area usually responds the best.
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