Center For Dermatology & Skin Surgery, Inc.
Center For Dermatology & Skin Surgery, Inc.
5060 Commercial Way
Spring Hill, FL 34606
(352) 592-9550
Fax: (352) 592-9551
Today’s newest, medically proven advances in dermatology, skin cancer, cosmetic surgery and laser surgery are the foundation from which we provide the most effective solutions for our patients. The application and continuous search for new technologies combine with our proven methods and experience to bring patients the highest level of total patient care. Some of the medical and cosmetic treatments performed at the Center for Dermatology and Skin Surgery are:
Medical Treatments:
Infectious Disease | Rosacea | Acne | Psoriasis | Skin Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
Cosmetic Treatments:
Chemical Peels | Esthetics & Facials | Microdermabrasion
Sclerotherapy | Botox Wrinkle Reduction
Dermal Fillers - Restylane, Radiesse
Laser Hair Removal | Laser Facial Rejuvenation
Photo Facial Rejuvenation
Laser removal of Pigmented Lesions
We further strive to advance the field of cancer surgery through research and education, as a MOHS Fellowship training facility. Because of this expertise, we are often referred by other physicians, and specialize in complicated and difficult to treat cases.
We offer a complete line of private label, professionally formulated, skin care products in addition to brand names Obagi and MD Forte, exclusive to physician offices. One of our experienced cosmetic consultants will analyze your skin and recommend the best skin care regimen for you.
The continuous search for new cosmetic technologies combined with our proven methods and experience enable us to achieve exceptional results.
Rosacea - (rose-AY-sha)
A common skin disease that causes redness and swelling on the face. Often referred to as "adult acne," Rosacea may begin as a tendency to flush or blush easily, and progress to persistent redness in the center of the face that may gradually involve the cheeks, forehead, chin, and nose. It also may involve the ears chest, and back. As the disease progresses, small blood vessels and tiny pimples begin to appear on and around the reddened area; however, unlike acne, there are no blackheads.
CDSS can tailor combination of treatments to each patient that include: gels and creams, oral antibiotics, cortisone creams, and in some cases laser treatments. Together, these treatments can stop the progress of Rosacea and sometimes reverse it.
While most people outgrow acne in their late teens, or early twenties, many continue to be affected much longer. Aggravation of acne later in life may occur with menstrual periods, use of birth control pills, use of oil based products and stress.
CDSS will determine the severity of your acne and may select one or more treatments that are best for you. Some of these treatments include: topical antibacterials and antibiotics, oral antibiotics, comedolytics, sebostatics, astringents, and exfoliants.
Psoriasis is a common immune-mediated chronic skin disease that comes in different forms and varying levels of severity. It generally appears as patches of raised red skin covered by a flaky white buildup. In certain kinds of psoriasis, it also has a pimple-ish or burned appearance.
Chemical Peels
A chemical peel uses a solution that is applied to the skin to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the production of new skin cells. It tightens the skin, reduces wrinkling and restores a more youthful appearance.
The DioLite 532 Laser treatment generates an intense beam of light that brings energy to the specific site and causes the decomposition of the unwanted cells, while leaving healthy cell intact.
Esthetics & Facials
Our esthetic facials begin with an analysis of skin type to choose compatible cleansers, masks, toners, and moisturizers. This personalized approach brings out the radiance of your beauty with great attention paid to getting results without discomfort.
Microdermabrasion is a comprehensive approach to skin care that is non-surgical, safe and effective. This technique delivers a gentle abrasion that effectively produces satisfying results in as little as twenty minutes. Microdermabrasion treatments enhance your skin's appearance through a course of weekly sessions.
Sclerotherapy is a simple office procedure that can permanently eliminate your spider veins and varicose veins. During the procedure, a sclerosing solution is injected into the vein through a micro-needle. The sclerosing solution causes the vein to blanch (turn white), and then gradually disappear.
Botox Wrinkle Reduction
Botox is the latest advancement in botulinum toxin therapy. By relaxing underlying muscles, Botox reduces wrinkles and improves the appearance of frown lines, forehead creases, and "crow's feat." It is a safe, simple, and effective therapy that leaves your skin smooth and youthful.
Copyright © 2005-06 Center for Dermatology & Skin Surgery, Inc.
