Center for Laser & Electrolysis Hair Removal
Center for Laser & Electrolysis Hair Removal
Located at the Nile Aesthetic Institute
201 SE Osceola Street, Stuart, FL 34994
Phone: 772 219-4552
Tollfree - 1-888-884-1488
The Lightsheer diode laser produces a beam of concentrated light which is absorbed by the pigment in your hair follicles. The laser pulses for a fraction of a second, long enough to heat up the hair and impede the follicle’s ability to re-grow. Laser hair removal is excellent for large areas as it treats numerous hair follicles simultaneously.
The LightSheer laser features a contact cooling handpiece which allows treatment on the most sensitive skin. The combination of aggressive skin cooling and concentrated laser pulses allow safe and effective treatment of all skin colors.
Before: The length of your treatment may last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or more, depending on the size of the area being treated. It is important to understand that the hairs in an active growth phase (called anagen) are most affected by treatment. Since all hairs are not in this phase at the same time, more than one treatment is necessary to achieve the best results.
During: Treatment may cause minor discomfort. For sensitive areas, topical anesthesia (numbing cream or ointment) can be applied beforehand to maximize your comfort level.
After: The appearance of your skin immediately after treatment will vary depending on the extent of the procedure and your skin type. Side-effects may include some redness and swelling, but these results are positive as they indicate that the follicle is responding to the treatment. Most redness disappears shortly afterwards with the application of ice, creams and/or aloe.
