Florida Oral & Facial Surgical Associates
Florida Oral & Facial Surgical Associates
429 North Causeway New
Smyrna Beach, Florida 32169
Ph: 386-423-5100
Fax: 386-423-5154
Laser Surgery
Through the use of a special laser, the outer layers of the damaged or wrinkled skin are removed. The new skin appears healthier and smoother, giving a rejuvenated, more youthful appearance.
The Laser Facial Micro-Peel is an Urbium laser treatment that was developed specifically for busy individuals who are seeking fast improvement in skin texture and tone. It is a laser resurfacing device that precisely removes the outermost layers of the skin.
The Laser Facial Micro-Peel is an excellent choice for acne scars, wrinkles, pigmented lesions, and sun damaged skin. Some of the most common areas of the body include the face, neck, and hands.
One Laser Facial Micro-Peel at the lowest setting is equal to approximately 6 medical microdermabrasion treatments.
You will experience smoother, healthier, more vibrant skin, with a significant, immediate change in skin texture and tightness. Your skin should continue to improve over 6 months of time due to increased collagen stimulation in the deeper layers of your skin; this is known as Facial Rejuvenation.
Healing typically takes 2 to 4 days. The treatment can be done on a Thursday or Friday so you can return to work the following Monday. Symptoms immediately following the procedure resemble a sunburn, with minor sloughing on the 2nd day. Redness will begin to fade by the 3rd day and can be covered with make-up on the 4th day.
Typically the procedure is repeated 5 to 6 times, spaced 6 to 8 weeks apart for maximum effect. Our surgeons will recommend the optimal number of treatments required for your skin condition. They may also recommend the treatment in combination with other treatments to maximize your result.
Laser Hair Removal
Our Sciton Nd- YAG 1064 Laser is optimal for the removal of your unwanted hair. Eliminate the need for waxing, shaving, or chemicals and achieve smooth, beautiful, and long lasting results. Medical research comparing the Nd-YAG 1064, 800 diode, and IPL technologies have shown that the safest and most effective technology for long-term hair removal is achieved by the Nd-YAG 1064 laser.
Vein Removal
Florida Oral and Facial Surgical Associates is pleased to offer the Sciton Profile 1064 Nd:Yag wavelength, FDA-approved laser therapy for the treatment of spider, reticular, telangectasia, and rosacea. www.Sciton.com Laser ablation requires no anesthetic; pain is minimal and is described as "a hot rubber band snapping against the skin." The procedure takes fifteen minutes to an hour or more, depending on the number and size of the veins being treated. Following laser treatment, the treated area is wrapped in a compressed bandage or stocking, and the patient is sent home. There may be slight itching for a day or two after the treatment owing to a mild release of histamine from the treated blood vessels.
BBL Light Therapy
The Sciton BBL pulsed light treats the widest range of aesthetic procedures. This is used for selective photocoagulation of soft tissue in conjunction with an integral thermo-electric cooler to cool the epidermis prior-to, during, and after treatment, reducing discomfort and minimizing thermal injury to non-target skin and skin structures. This technique selectively targets and treats dermal collagen. The result is partial coagulation and contraction of collagen.
