Florida Skin Center
Florida Skin Center
13691 Metropolis Ave.
Fort Myers, Florida 33912
Phone: 239-561-3376
Imagine having smooth hair free skin without shaving, waxing or plucking. We now offer the latest in laser hair removal for both men and women. Treatments are safe, affordable, fast and effective.
What is laser hair removal and how does it work?
With the latest technology, our laser systems can remove unwanted facial and body hair. A gentle beam of light passes through the skin to the hair follicle, where it is absorbed. The laser energy works to disable the follicle leaving the surrounding skin unchanged. Additionally, the surrounding skin is cooled by a cool spray onto the top layers of skin during the procedure. This selectively protects the skin, while effectively eliminating unwanted hair.
What areas can be treated with the laser?
The hair removal laser can be used in any area. Commonly, legs, underarms, lips, chins, and bikini areas are treated, but any hair bearing area can be successfully treated. Traditional hair removal techniques such as shaving, plucking and waxing only provide temporary relief. Scarring, allergic reactions and ingrown hairs which are common side effects of these more traditional treatments can be avoided. With laser hair removal, unwanted body hair can be eliminated without damaging the delicate pores and structures of the skin. Facial and bikini areas can be treated in less than ten minutes, while legs and larger areas can take longer.
Who is a candidate for laser hair removal?
Anyone who would like to remove unwanted hair may benefit from laser hair removal. The best results have been achieved on darker, finer hair, but other factors may influence the treatment process and are generally best evaluated and discussed in person. Light or grey hair does not usually respond well to the laser. Laser hair removal offers safe and effective treatment for those who are good candidates.
What does the treatment involve?
Depending on the amount of hair treated, the procedure may vary from patient to patient. Generally, the treatment includes safety eyewear to protect the patient's eyes during the procedure. A small handpeice is used to deliver the laser light. A light spray of coolant will be felt before each laser pulse. The degree of discomfort varies with each person, depending on his/her pain threshold. Topical anesthesia may be requested. The procedure may take as little as 10 minutes or up to an hour, depending on the area treated. All patients go home immediately after the treatment. The treated area may become pink or red within about 30 minutes of the treatment; this usually last a few hours.
Hair grows in cycles and the number of treatments required depends upon your skin, hair coloring and coarseness of the hair. Everyone will require at least 2-3 treatments as the process is only effective on hairs during their growing cycle. Repeated sessions will be necessary to treat these follicles when they reenter the growth phase.
What precautions should be taken?
Avoid the sun 4-6 weeks before and after treatment until your physician allows it. You must avoid plucking, or waxing hair for 3-4 weeks prior to treatment. You should discuss your desired results and the improvements you expect to achieve. Together, you and Dr. Badia can decide if your expectations will be met and if this laser treatment is the best option for you.
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