La Bella Spa
La Bella Spa
3505 N. Courtenay Parkway
Merritt Island, FL 32953
Laser Hair Removal...Experience at its finest!
As Brevard's Leading Hair Removal Centre for almost 30 years, Service Excellence is Everything.
•Award-Winning Expertise
•Experience & Dependability
•Time-Tested Results
•Advanced Technology
•Ultimate Package Pricing!
Achieve smooth skin with the next generation of safe and effective hair removal technology! La Bella Spa continues to offer results-oriented solutions to remove unwanted hair with greater reliability than other methods. Combining a revolutionary hybrid of Light Energy and Bi-Polar Radio Frequency for successful and permanent hair reduction, progressive results for most hair colors is achievable after each session.
Our newest technology even treats light-colored hair! We offer no-cost and no-obligation professional consultations to assist you in making the best decision! During this time, we will inform you of our Ultimate Package Pricing that offers very competitive rates, special savings and promotions you'll rave about!
Below are common questions with honest answers to assist you:
Hair Biology: What must I know?
Understanding basic hair anatomy as well as hair growth cycles is vital, in order to plan a successful treatment regimen. For instance, hair grows in 3 stages: Anagen, which is the active growth phase. Catagen, where hair is dormant, and Telogen, the resting stage of hair. Follicles are most responsive to treatment during the anagen phase, prompting the need for additional treatments to achieve satisfactory clearance.
What is a realistic expectation?
Permanent hair reduction is achived when a follicle is thermally destroyed and not able to grow a terminal hair again. Because many millions of follicles grow on the body, it is highly unlikely that every single follicle in the treated area will be disabled. Over several treatments, most of the follicles that cycle through hair growth will be affected, critically injured, and/or permanently disabled. Follicles that are dormant or vellus hairs are not affected during these treatments.
It is very important to remember that the body can convert these inactive or dormant follicles to grow later in life as a result of factors including hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, menopause, disease, medications, obesity or idiopathic causes. Since there is a gradual and cumulative reduction with each treatment session, the hair density should decrease. In summary: During the course of treatments, less hair grows back due to a gradual and cumulative reduction. As hairs grow back between treatments, it will be less, finer, lighter, and slower growing.
La Bella Spa offers Electro-Optical Synergy technology. How does this benefit me?
This patented technology combines Optical Light Energy with Bi-Polar Radiofrequency current. This desirable combination decreases the amount of thermal exposure to surrounding areas while increasing the ability to disable the hair follicle with greater precision. This technological refinement to target and denature follicle cells results in the cessation of the normal hair growth cycle and greater treatment success!!
Is it safe?
Very! Our technology offers many advancements, as no long term health hazards exist.
