Laser and Skin Care Center of Gainesville
Laser and Skin Care Center of Gainesville
2731 NW 41st Street Suite B-1
Gainesville Fl, 32606
(352) 371-8337 or (352) 871-4990
The Laser and Skin Care Center of Gainesville is a medically supervised facility dedicated to promoting the most scientifically and technologically advanced techniques in skin care and hair removal for both men and women. Our extensively trained team of professionals combines unparalleled expertise with the latest FDA approved equipment and products to provide a wide range of rejuvenating, therapeutic, and esthetic treatments under one roof. Our vast array of services include laser hair removal, electrolysis, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, photorejuvenation, laser vein removal, therapeutic facials, Botox, and a variety of dermal fillers such as Restylane® and Juvèderm®.
Laser hair removal is the high-tech/modern day method of destroying massive amounts of hair follicles with a simple trigger pull. Laser only destroys hair in its active growth phase, the anagen phase. During this phase at least 85% of the hair is permanently removed.
Laser hair removal works by sending a beam of laser light to a group of hair follicles with enough power to disable or destroy the root, but
not enough power to harm the surrounding skin. This process is called selective photothermolysis. It is selective because it targets only the hair and not the skin. Photo means light and thermolysis means destroying with heat. The surrounding skin is usually cooled. Some methods include a gel, a spray, or a cooling tip.
The Laser beam finds the hair follicles by targeting the substance that gives skin and hair dark color - melanin. Therefore, the ideal candidate for laser has dark hair and light skin, but the laser also works well on dark and tanned skin. The laser will not work on people with red, white, gray or true blond hair.
Hair removal by Laser is not electrolysis. Electrolysis is a method of removing individual hairs one-at-a-time by directing an electric current into each hair follicle.
