Lazer Blazers
Lazer Blazers
651 A1A Beach Boulevard
Saint Augustine, FL 32080
(904) 461-7009
How effective is laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal is being utilized for mass hair removal from large areas of the body. The hair must be dark because lasers target pigment in the hair follicles rather than the moisture targeted by conventional treatment. Laser does not work on blonde, red or white hairs.
Several lasers have been granted clearance by the United States Food and Drug Administration to advertise "permanent reduction" and these lasers are proving to be very effective for removing hair from areas of the human body that have been considered impractical by conventional methods. Fewer treatments are required for laser hair removal than conventional electrolysis.
What is the difference between the way electrolysis works and the way laser works?
With conventional electrolysis, no matter what modality is being used, the target tissue in the hair follicle is the moist dermal papilla. This current, whether direct or alternating (RF), causes either a chemical reaction or heats up the moist tissue and destroys it. Great care has to be taken not to administer too much current that would affect the moist ground tissue of the dermis that surrounds the lower portion of the hair follicle. This layer of skin contains the collagen and elastin layers and can be irreparably damaged to being too aggressive with conventional treatment. The laser is different, because it's light is absorbed by the dark pigment producing cells at the bottom of the hair follicle. These are called melanocytes, which means they produce melanin. The heat from the melanocytes is then transferred to the adjacent vascular cells and the heat destroys these cells of the dermal papilla. Because there are no pigment cells in the adjacent dermis, the laser can be turned higher than conventional devices because there is no chance of damage.
What is the difference in cost between laser and electrolysis?
The cost for laser treatment seems to be greater per treatment than for electrolysis but fewer treatments are required. In most cases, the laser will prove to be less costly than conventional treatment.
Can hairs be removed from any part of the body?
With conventional electrolysis, it is advisable not to treat the mucous membranes inside the nose and ears because of high risk of infection. The right kind of laser can be used safely to treat these areas however, since laser is non-invasive. The nostrils are lased from the outside and the ears are safely plugged before laser treatment.
How safe is it to treat genitals?
Genitals can be treated with either method. It is wise to limit the amount of electrolysis because of the risk of invasion of pathogenic bacteria. Laser has proven to be fast and easy for even the most sensitive genital areas in both men and women.
How do I prepare for treatment?
If you choose to have electrolysis, then you must discontinue any method of temporary removal for about a week before treatment and resort to clipping the hairs until two days before treatment. The hairs must be long enough to be removed to prevent the risk of infection. With electrolysis, closely spaced treatments are necessary to treat the emerging hairs. As the hair growth slows, the treatments get shorter and farther apart until the hairs no longer are growing.
For laser, it is important that all the hairs be present in the follicle for the laser to be successful, so it is advisable not to use any method of hair removal except shaving or clipping for 6-8 weeks prior to treatment. It is also not advisable to put chemicals on the skin such as depilatories or bleach for at least 4-6 weeks. ©2009
