Ormond Beach Dermatology
Ormond Beach Dermatology
305 Clyde Morris Blvd, Suite 150
Ormond Beach, FL 32174
Telephone:(386) 615-1771
Fax:(386) 615-1545
Laser Hair Removal PDF Print E-mail
How many treatments does it take to clear an area?
Should I expect to be hair free in the treated area after the series of treatments?
No. Most patients experience a 80-90% reduction in the amount of hair in a given area after the series of treatments, but should not expect to be hair free.
Is laser hair removal permanent?
Laser hair removal has been in use for some time, and stable hair loss has been reported as far back as seven years. Candela has clearance through the FDA to claim permanence. It still needs to be spoken of in terms of permanent "reduction" rather than "removal" since removal denotes 100%, and that is not realistic.
Why does the hair appear to be there still, and will look like it is growing for 1-3 weeks post treatment?
The laser does not remove the hair at the time of treatment, but the hair will fall out, or "shed" 1-3 weeks after your treatment.
Why does the laser not work well on blonde, gray, or red hair?
The laser energy interacts with pigment or "melanin" in the hair root, and these hair colors either don't have much or any melanin in them or it is of a type (pheomelanin) that does not absorb light as well as the other form of melanin (eumelanin).
Why must patients not use any form of epilation for 6 weeks prior to treatment with GentleLASE?
The hair root has to be present for the laser to work, so if the patient has removed it with waxing, plucking, or electrolysis, then there is nothing for the laser energy to interact with.
Why must tanning be avoided for 6 weeks before and after treatment?
Melanin formation in the skin as a response to sun exposure decreases the effectiveness of the treatment, as well as makes it more likely that the patient will experience hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, or blistering from the treatment.
Why must the area to be treated be shaved just prior, or up to 2 days, before treatment?
Surface hair, if present, will be singed off, increasing the risk of a burn as well as taking up energy that does not get to the root of the follicle.
Why must protective eyewear be worn by everyone in the treatment room?
The GentleLASE is a high-powered laser system, and can cause injury if proper eyewear is not worn while the laser is in use.
Can any area of the body be treated?
Yes, with the exception of eyelashes and eyebrow shaping due to the proximity of the eye and danger of eye injury with the laser.
Does the treatment hurt?
There is a stinging sensation felt during treatment, however most patients who have waxed or had electrolysis report that it feels less painful than those types of treatments. If the patient thinks it is too uncomfortable, the practitioner may provide a topical anesthetic prior to treatment. Most patients have no residual pain within 20-30 minutes after treatment.
What are possible side effects of laser hair removal?
Side effects can include blistering, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, or scarring. Risks of the side effects are minimized if treatment instructions are closely followed by the patient.
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