Spago Day Spa
Spago Day Spa
115 Taylor Road
Punta Gorda, FL 33950
(941) 205-3030
(877) 266-0651
Painless Laser Hair Removal
There is no need to fear laser hair removal with our Aesthura PPX IPL laser technology. Underarms, legs, bikini, or unwanted hair anywhere can be removed in 3-5 treatments without the painful burning of traditional lasers. No gels, cooling, or pain medicine is needed, and an entire back or pair of legs can be treated in 30 minutes or less. Ask the from desk to schedule a consultation.
Luxurious robes and slippers will wrap you in comfort during your visit. Lockers and showers are also provided for your convenience.
Specifically designed for you to relax, before, between or after your treatments. Enjoy!
The Spa is a respite from the outside world. For your enjoyment, and to be courteous of other guests, we request that all cell phones are turned off while in the spa.
For your safety, please inform the staff if you are using Retin - A, Glycolic Acid or taking Accutane prior to receiving any skin care or hair removal treatment
Copyright 2010 Spago Day Spa, All Rights Reserved
