Spencer Dermatology
Spencer Dermatology
Carillon Outpatient Center
900 Carillon Parkway,
Suite #404
Saint Petersburg, FL 33716-1115
Phone: 727.572.1333
Fax: 727.572.1331
Cosmetic Dermatology
Spencer Dermatology & Skin Surgery Center offers a full range of cosmetic treatments, and the experience and judgement to use them properly. Among our services are:
Botox and Myobloc for wrinkles and worry lines
Restylane, Perlane, Juvaderm, Radiesse and Collag for filling depressions and wrinkles
Intense pulsed light for rejuvination
Microdermabrasion and Vibraderm for skin polishing
Vascular laser for red spots, blood vessles, and raised scars
Pigment laser for brown spots and tatoos
Laser Hair Removal for unwanted hair
Laser and Chemical Peels for wrinkles, discolorations and sundamage
Photodynamic therapy for acne
Excimer laser for vitiligo, white spots, and white scars
Sclerotherapy and laser for leg veins
Lesion removal and scar revision
Advanced skin care regimes for home use
More important than the services offered is the experience and judgment to use them properly. Dr Spencer has 12 years experience teaching residents and other physicians how and when to perform cosmetic therapies. He has been and remains involved in testing and developing a variety of new cosmetic therapies, and serves as editor in chief of the medical journal Cosmetic Dermatology.
Copyright 2007 © Spencer Dermatology. All rights reserved.
