The Bougainvillea Clinique
The Bougainvillea Clinique
4355 Bear Gully Road
Winter Park, FL 32792
Many people, both men and women, are plagued with unwanted face and body hair. Hair removal methods such as waxing, shaving, and electrolysis are not only uncomfortable, but the results are only moderately satisfying. The newest and most exciting choice for control and elimination of unwanted hair is the use of laser technology. The Bougainvillea Clinique has been using the laser technology for hair removal and have found it to be extremely successful.
We understand that the elements of a great figure are proportion, smooth contours, and toned skin. Most individuals seeking liposuction have cellulite and poor skin quality as well as unwanted collections of fat. Our Total Beauty Philosophy means addressing the fat and the skin. That is why we offer Endermologieâ„¢ to all our liposuction patients. Endermologieâ„¢ is the only FDA approved technique to improve the appearance of cellulite. We have repeatedly demonstrated that Endermologieâ„¢ can help smooth, tone and tighten skin. Our results show that combining the latest tumescent, superwet, and ultrasonic liposuction techniques with Endermologieâ„¢ leads to enhanced results.
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