Ultima MedSpa
Ultima MedSpa
14975 S. Dixie Hwy.
Palmetto Bay, Florida 33176
(305) 278-4555
At ULTIMA MedSpa we have the latest, state-of-the-art laser technology designed for hair reduction. The Mediostar XT targets melanin, the chemical that gives the color to the hair, and when the laser light is absorbed by the pigment, it's vaporized in the hair follicle eliminating, or significantly impeding, the hair's regrowth. The skin is not damaged during the process.
Additionally, the Mediostar XT is able to treat a broader range of skin types than other hair-removal lasers. It is delicate enough for a woman's fine, sensitive skin, and robust enough for a man's beard, back, or arms.
The Mediostar XT effectively removes unwanted body hair. Traditional techniques such as shaving, plucking, and waxing provide only temporary relief and may actually stimulate hair growth. Electrolysis, while effective, often requires years of ongoing painful treatments. All of these methods commonly result in scarring, allergic reactions, and ingrown hairs.
Laser hair reduction works by targeting the pigment inside the hair follicle without damaging the delicate pores and structures of the skin. Because hair cycles through “growth†and “dormant†phases, and because during the “dormant†phase the follicle has no melanin, at least 4-6 treatments will be needed.
The treatments are virtually painless and most patients report no discomfort. Some areas are more sensitive than others, and anesthetic creams can be used prior to treatments.
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