Vitale Skin Rejuvenation Institute
1250 S Tamiami Trail, Suite # 302
Sarasota, FL 34239
Phone: (941) 316-1400
Laser Hair Removal
Hair removal is one of the most popular laser-based aesthetic procedures since it can provide permanent reduction of unwanted hair. You will experience safe, quick and effective permanent hair reduction with our latest, state-of-the-art, FDA approved diode laser technology. It safely removes hair without damaging the delicate pores and structures of the skin and is safe to use on most parts of the body on both men and women.
MedioStar XT diode laser is the most advanced and safest laser on the market today and number one laser used in Europe. Its effectiveness resides on the large spot size, aggressive contact cooling therapy and powerful technology which truly makes it the standard in hair removal technology. MedioStar XT is well suited for the removal of unwanted hair, because with the right selection of parameters, With our triple cooling technology our aestheticians, it can be used as a non-invasive method to disable the hair structure without damaging the surrounding dermis and epidermis. Numerous hair follicles can be treated simultaneously allowing for rapid coverage of large areas.
Our certified laser aestheticians utilize three cooling mechanisms to assure the highest comfort and safety to our patients.
Who is a good candidate for Laser Hair Removal?
The ideal candidate for laser hair removal has light to medium skin tone and dark colored hair. Since the diode laser targets melanin (color substance in hair) it cannot treat bleached, blonde, red, or gray hair.People with darker hair and lighter skin tone have better results. Before your appointment, please make sure the desired treatment area has been freshly shaven. No plucking, tweezing, waxing, depilatory or tanning creams, mystic tans, sun or tanning bed exposure is to be used within two to three weeks of the treatment.
Who is NOT a good candidate for Laser Hair Removal?
Patients with photosensitive conditions or medications, AIDS, pregnancy, breastfeeding, hairy nevi, viral (e.g. Herpes) or bacterial skin infections, cancer, hormonal disease, and patients on anti-coagulants or retinoids should consult their doctor first.
How many treatments will I need?
Since each hair follicle contains three to seven hairs, it requires an average of six treatments four to eight weeks apart to get the desired results. The amount of hair should reduce after each treatment. The remaining hair should gradually become lighter.
Is Laser Hair Removal painful?
There is minimal discomfort during treatment however, certain areas are more sensitive than others. Sensation of the heat increases with darker, thicker hair. Local anesthesia is not required. A topical anesthetic is available to those who cannot tolerate the tingling sensation during the treatment. Discomfort similar to a mild sunburn may be noted over during the first 24 hours.
What should I expect after treatment?
Within several minutes, the treated area may become pink and a little puffy will subside in the next 24 hours. However, you should not plan any important social engagements for several days after your treatment especially if the treated areas are on the face. In about three to ten days after treatment you may experience what seems to be regrowing hairs. Most of these hairs, however, are dead. Treated hairs being shed are not regrowing. In between treatments you should not wax or pluck your hairs as it decreases the ability of the laser to destroy actively growing hairs.
What are the side effects of Laser Hair Removal?
Side effects are rare and may include transient erythema, edema, the risk of hyper or hypo pigmentation (uneven skin discoloration). Sunblock should be used on the treated area when exposed to the sun.
How much does Laser Hair Removal cost?
During your initial complimentary consultation, the areas to be treated will be determined and a price per treatment session or series of sessions will be given to you.
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