Women's Health Specialists
Women's Health Specialists
3498 NW Federal Highway
Jensen Beach, FL 34957-4441
(772) 219-1080
(800) 666-1667
As the Director of Aesthetic Services for JeuneNu Aesthetic Beauty and Laser Center, my career daily places me right in the middle of the latest and greatest beautifying techniques utilized by women to improve their appearance. I see women of all ages, from an 11 year old girl who is mortified by her "uni-brow", to a 30-something year old desiring about plump lips and full cheeks, to the aging baby-boomer who is concerned about anti-aging. I have observed nearly all women are a little insecure about how they look. Interestingly, the most beautiful women I have ever seen are not products of the plastic surgery industry. They are women of confidence with a true inner beauty that shines through their eyes and into others' hearts. This inner beauty is amazingly powerful.
So how does one achieve this powerful beauty? Perhaps the key is to omit the word "achieve". Women too often feel pressured to achieve. It is stress and over commitment which drains the most beautiful woman of her natural confidence. My suggestion to my clients is to simply STOP. Stop trying so hard. Stop, and smell the roses. Stop having unrealistic expectations and Stop trying to please others. Instead, rest in who you are as an outstanding human being, unique among all, and truly beautiful, just because you are YOU.
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